Wednesday, June 20, 2012 | By: Unknown

How to Transition to a Plant-Based Diet

We have decided we are not going to eat eggs or dairy products anymore as wells as limiting refined sugar. So, yes, we are getting a bit extreme, but extreme circumstances call for extreme measures.
Essentially the only thing keeping us from Vegan is honey consumption....we're ok with honey at least for now. =D

THIS is going to be quite the adventure. 
THIS is a whole new way of eating.

We are going "cold tofu"..... haha..... get it?!

This is going to be challenging but not nearly as challenging as cancer.

To start, I need to go shopping. 
Actually, before that, I need to clean out the fridge and cupboards.
{Anyone hungry?}

The game plan is raw fresh vegetables and fruits with some whole grain and super foods thrown in.
Sound good?

Delicious Snack = Watermelon bowl
I bought a baby watermelon and cut it in half. Put each watermelon half in a bowl and grabbed a spoon. Dig in!
This is how I ate watermelon growing up so why quit now? :)

I ordered a few Vegan cook books from amazon. I hope they will have some good information and recipes to mix things up a bit. My goal is to go raw as much as possible but I think I will want to have a few other things too like pastas and such.

Tomorrow. Whole Foods.

Shopping List:
Apples + other fruit
Cashew cream
Nutritional yeast
Soy Milk
Veggie broth

Am I missing anything vital?!

Stay tuned for info on a new blog I am creating regarding the pathway to total body wellness- uncovering the facts and fiction behind food through literature research. I do the research, you reap the benefits!


The Verve Body Project
Featuring: The Food Identity Crisis


MJ, Dad and Nicholas said...

Sara - Aquavie Day Spa used to host offerings of classes and one was a Raw Foods course. I could never make it but always was curious and you may want to investigate. It is really an interesting approach! Keep exploring and you will find what makes the most sense for you. Being the smart one that you are you certainly know that you can find "substantive evidence" to support or debunk any initiative, diet or you really have to gather it all and put it through your own filter and then make it work the best you are able! Love you!

Rand said...

Well you're growing tomatos and zucchini in your garden they have to be on your short list. Can't get more organic than your own home veggie garden :-)