Thursday, July 24, 2008 | By: Sara

The Beauty of Adulthood

I couldn't help but contemplate the beauty of adulthood as I grabbed a bag of Oreos and a glass of milk for breakfast at 11:15 this morning, having awoken for the day 15 minutes earlier. You would never get away with this as a child! Parents try in vain to steer their kids clear of bad habits, junk food and late nights just to find out that when they are older, they will do it anyway. So I ask myself...what is the point of doing this to your children?

I want to take a little poll just because I am curious. I want to know if you were forced to eat healthy or a certain way as a child and if you still do it or if you eat worse now because of it. Vice versa....if you were not forced to eat healthy, I want to know if you pig out on oreos for breakfast or if you wait to have a so-called "real" breakfast. Check it out on the right.

Please leave a comment with insight. Whether you have kids or not, I would actually really love to hear your perspective.

...and this does not just apply to food, going to bed early or waking up at a decent hour. I expand this question to all things you make your children do that you don't do yourself. Bathe everyday! Come on!

...and, no, I didn't eat a whole sleeve of oreos as might be mistaken from the picture above. That's just gross.

**Disclaimer: My oreos for breakfast is not a reflection on my mother's child rearing... she gave me ice cream. :) Thanks Mamman!