Tuesday, January 3, 2012 | By: Unknown

Let it begin...

So I have begun the organizing process and feel I have been super productive this year.
Yesterday I was able to do some yard work outside. I figured now is the best time to get some outdoor stuff done while it isn't snowing. I also got the christmas lights taken down and bought new handles for our front and back door thanks to Rand. Those will be getting installed today....thanks to Rand. The christmas tree will also make it to the curb today. 
My organizing started with the tupperware land....dun dun dun. This is always a mess and I have consolidated and kept only the ones I want. I doubled my space due to this!
So now I have some open territory to work with. Awesome!
The next thing I organized was my coobooks....I have a few..... I figured that I can keep most of them down on my bookshelf in the office and keep my most used 4 or 5 upstairs in the kitchen along with my 4 personal recipe binders. That made the cupboard feel so much more organized and gave me room to put all my binders up there instead of on my counter.
 So I didn't gain any space but I gained ease of use and a pretty cupboard. Good!
I have wiped down cupboard shelves and done other general "spring"...er ..... "mild winter" cleaning.
It feels so good. I like it!
Today, I started off the day with a wonderful trip to the Temple and
 I think I am going to clean out the front closet next....that may change
but something is getting a before and after picture!
Yay for me! 2012 is going to be great! I'm pumped! :D