Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | By: Unknown

Home Mission Statement

I received a great piece of advice today regarding my home makeover.
Create a home mission statement.
A home mission statement helps you to make the better decision when you are changing something about your home and it will help you focus when you are feeling overwhelmed by the daunting task of creating an entire home atmosphere.

Here is our home mission statement
The mission of The Ridges' Home is to nourish the mind, body and spirit of all who enter by creating a warm and cozy oasis filled with laughter and love. We hope to create an atmosphere of fun, learning and simplicity so that our family and guests will leave here feeling refreshed, encouraged and loved.
I like it. Soon it will be framed and hanging on our wall so I will always remember.

My next project is going to be the office. Dun...dun...dun....
Wish me luck. Come find me if you haven't heard from me in 3 days....