Tuesday, August 25, 2009 | By: Sara

ED Physician Note

During my daily duties as a pharmacist, I come upon real jewels every once in a while. I just have to share some of them. Don't worry, no protected health information is present.

History of Present Illness:
"Patient is a xx year old male who presents with a complaint of left leg injury. Pt was at a UU v. BYU game, in which UU won, and was getting ready to rush the field. He states he was pushed off a 6-10 foot fence (depends on who is telling the story) and "landed wrong" on his leg."

I just thought this was funny how the Dr interjected his own comments in their....hehe. Love it. Makes my job worth it that much more. :D


Britt said...

How funny that you posted this on Niel's birthday...and he's such a huge BYU fan. I'm sure he will love it.