Wednesday, November 10, 2010 | By: Unknown

UPDATE: Sara and Ben + 6

I am just waiting for the day we have ten animals and/or chillins.....then it will be Sara and Ben + 10! Sweet!

I am still working at the University Hospital in the central pharmacy and in the newborn intensive care unit. Yes, I still like it and find it challenging. Yes, I wish I didn't have to work. No, the money isn't worth it. ;D I'm not meant to work I have decided. I would rather cook, clean, mow lawns, feed chickens, do laundry, sew, feed horses, manage bills, etc. (So basically I would rather just do these instead of doing these plus working!)

I am enjoying a lot of baking lately! I really don't eat a lot of baked goods though so I will be sending out mass text messages for y'all to come-n-get it. So if you want's yours!

Ben is still working his construction. He likes that manual labor stuff. He has been enjoying building up his jeep lately. We are excited to do some jeeping next year.

We still have our 2 dogs, 2 chickens and 2 horses. If only Noah had a farm...

That's about it...
...just in case y'all were wonderin'.


Loretta Campbell said...

Wonderful to hear about you. Hope you have a great time with grandma and grandpa. Love you bunches!!!Steven and Loretta