Wednesday, July 14, 2010 | By: Sara

Barenaked Ladies are a BAND

I am sorry but I have been extremely surprised by how many people don't know who Barenaked Ladies (or BNL) is! What the heck?! If you are one of those people, please let me know! And tell me how you got through school without hearing "One Week" or "If I had $1,000,000"?!! (Also for you people, BNL happens to be playing right now) Anyway, there was a concert at Red Butte Tuesday and it was incredible. There are no words to describe how genius they are. Sorry. So, thanks to MJ, we got front row! We had a blast! Here is the adventure!

Brandi, me and BJ
Just to give you some perspective of where front row is! It was totally cool!
Angel Taylor was one of the intro bands. Her voice is amazingly clear and awesome!

Nicholas and his friend showing off their stuffies.

My dad and Nicholas.

Nicholas just had to have a flowy tiara! :D

Kris Allen was the 2nd warm up band. Apparently he won American Idol. There was a group of girls (one of them 30+ yrs old) sitting right next to us that follow Kris Allen to all his concerts. So what did they ask us? "Who are Barenaked Ladies? Is it a classical group because I see lots of wine and cheese." :D Made my day. Oh yeah and they left half way through BNL. Haha.

They were actually pretty good. I was surprised. He sings that song "Live like you were dying".

Ed was pointing at a dude at the very top of the hill (above Red Butte) and to the "eaves-droppers and free-loaders" as they called them. :D (Shown below)
The eaves-droppers.

Ed eating a plant. You had to be there. :D
(It's a good thing it wasn't a philodendron.)

Me and Brandilicious.

The chick who thought it would be a good idea to start dancing in front of me like a drunkard.

Barenaked Ladies rockin' it.

It was an absolutely awesome show. Highly recommended. :D


*Brandi said...

That concert was awesome and I was so glad to be a part of it!!! Thanks to you and MJ!!!

MJ, Dane and Nicholas said...

Okay, Sara - I think photo journalism could be an additional career path! You pretty well got the whole evening...except for the very "simple" food! We get to go to a lot of outdoor concerts but this one will remain so special and memorable...especially for Nicholas! Turns out he "likes Brandi" afterall! So glad to launch them off to CA in style! xoxox

*Brandi said...

Dear Sara,

Could you send me some of your pictures so I can post them on my blog too? Pretty please?!? I can't click on them and save them from your blog for some reason. Thank you!

Britt said...

I love BNL! My twin friends were there near the front row too. They are kind of obsessed and even had back stage passes to meet the guys. Glad you had fun!