Saturday, November 28, 2009 | By: Sara


So for those of you that don't know, our anniversary is on November 27th. Thus we have claimed Thanksgiving as our own holiday to do whatever we please by ourselves.

This self-proclaimed "Thanksiversary" we decided to cook our own feast and do absolutely nothing...again. It was quite nice.

We (as in I) prepped the turkey and shoved it in the oven!

"We" went and bought a TV on sale because ours pooped out.

We had to destroy our audio tower to have the cords fit through the back (We didn't have the tool we needed). What man doesn't love power tools! ;P
After we set up our TV, we ate our Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey was so moist and delicious and I loved my traditional sugar glazed carrots!
On Black Friday, I faced the crazies to get a few good deals on christmas gifts. (Not too early though.) It was only 8 am and the shelves were already picked over!
What kind of Thanksgiving would be complete without dressing up like a pirate!? Arrggggh!
(This is Brandi at the Disney Outlet)
And Last but not least, what is Thanksgiving without a bunch of Black Friday crazy people shopping?!
Notice the antlers?
It was all fabulous! Can't wait for Christmas!


Emily said...

Happy Thanksiversary! Thanks for letting Brooklyn and I crash your party that night though! I'm glad you guys had a good celebration. I loved the crazy antler wearing shoppers - gotta love those with a passion!

*Brandi said...

Thanks for the pirate picture. I'm famous on your blog. Black Friday with you was way fun!