....is just amazing. That says enough. You get to travel, compete, be creative, have fun and beat a few people with your mallets if your lucky.
This last weekend my band, Wasatch and District Pipe Band Grade III, competed in the Las Vegas Highland Games and took 1st and 2nd place in our 2 competitions (Taking 1st overall in our grade)!
Our Grade IV Band also did super well taking 3rd and 4th place! Not too bad considering we had some first timers in the group who have never competed before!
Here are the links to videos if you are interested.
It was an absolute blast! The world champions, Simon Fraser University Pipe Band, were there which is always cool!

(SFU above)
I went to a ceilidh on Saturday and made it just in time to see SFU marching off! Bummer! So we went to the M&M Factory instead!I also went to Gold and Silver Pawn more commonly known as "Pawn Stars" on TV. It was a wee bit crazy. Very busy but fun nontheless. I saw Chum Lee, Rick and the Old Man. It was funny. :D
Our next competition is on June 11th and 12th here in our very own neck of the woods, Thanksgiving Point. It is always a blast so come out and see us! There will be lots of food, music, caber tossing, dancing and lots of shops to browse through!
If anyone is interested in being part of the band or learning one of these instruments, let me know. I can hook you up with contacts. (Not the lenses) ;D