Saturday, April 26, 2008 | By: Sara

I've been Guitar Heroed!

So...I played guitar hero for the first time two days ago and kicked everyone's butt...almost. The song that is playing right now (The Killers-When you were young) is one of the songs I rocked out to! It was amazingly fun and addicting...So if anyone wants super expensive birthday ideas for me...I want Rockband. Rockband has the drumset and vocals with it as well as guitar and bass. Wow, I'm a nerd.
The picture above is from our end-of-pharmacy-school Guitar Hero Bash after we finished our last real test for school. Wahoo! This was my first attempt at it and as you can see...I am concentrating uber hard. After a few songs, I started getting the hang of it and was rockin's fun. I'll leave it at that. ~S


Camille said...

Yeah for Guitar Hero! Me and Marty got it for our who's the nerd? We are totally addicted.