Saturday, April 12, 2008 | By: Sara

Dr. Patch Adams "Living a Life of Joy"

Remember the movie "Patch Adams" Staring Robin Williams. Well, the real “Patch Adams, M.D.” will be visiting the University of Utah campus on May 16th, 2008 at Kingsbury Hall.

" The Arts in Caring Council brings you an inspiring event with Dr. Patch Adams, the real person behind the hit movie Patch Adams, starring Robin Williams. Patch will be delivering his presentation "Living a Life of Joy", which is about how to discover the incredible thrill of choosing to live everyday with joy. As a medical doctor and a clown, Patch believes that laughter, joy and creativity are an integral part of the healing process and therefore true health care must incorporate such life. Says Patch, "I interpret my experience in life as being happy. I want, as a doctor, to say it does matter to your health to be happy. It must be the most important health factor in your life." "

I am really excited to see this as I loved the theme of "Patch Adams".
To buy tickets click the link below.

I want to see Patch Adams, MD