Wednesday, February 18, 2009 | By: Sara

The Tax-Return Bet

Ben and I made a deal that if he could get down to his ideal body weight (~175 lbs) by my graduation then he would get full rights to the tax return.
This means he has to lose 40 lbs in less than 3 months. He is so confident that he can do this, he is waiting to start his diet on Monday. :)
Huh....We'll see. ;P


Camille said...

Nice...we'll be curious to see how he really does. :)

Emily said...

The sad part is - if anyone could do it, it would be Ben. I hate him for it, but he can lose weight by just thinking about it. I can play devils advocate if you want and offer him Big Macs and soda po if you want? :)

Anonymous said...

I am sure that shopping for bigger flat screened TVs and leather furniture will keep him busy and away from food! Hope it is a big return coming your way!