Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | By: Sara

Drum Roll Please.......

The poll has been closed and the votes tallied for "Adulthood Eating Habits".

From the poll we can conclude:
  • 80% of us eat Oreos for breakfast
  • 50% were force-fed brocolli as a child
  • 20% gave in to parent-pressure
  • 100% of you are now craving Oreos

So...all my poll really proved is that adults eat like crap no matter how they were fed as a child. So, parents... you can lay off the "eat yer vegetables" or "no dessert 'til you finished everything on yer plate"... it apparently doesn't work and you pretty much just scar them for life and make them hate you.

For real though, a little junk food won't hurt your child as long as they are getting adequate nutrition aside. A good diet makes for strong bones and smart brains... and who doesn't want smart brains. I know, It's easier said than done giving your child a healthy balanced diet when all they want is mac-n-cheese or cookie crisp (which is not part of a balanced breakfast!). Let them splurge at least on their birthday!

Besides... candy gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't. ;)