Wednesday, May 21, 2008 | By: Sara

Bronchoscopy...Intubation...Seizures...Oh my!

Today was another eventful day in the RICU.
I got to see someone get intubated. For those of you not up to date on your medical jargon, this is basically a procedure that involves sticking a big tube down someone's throat and into their lungs so a machine can breath for them. It was pretty cool...very quick actually. I've seen it before at the U Hosp but I wasn't actually in the room then.
I also got to witness a bronchoscopy on the same patient. The whole reason we had to intubate the patient in the first place was a significantly large mucus production that had occurred in the left lung. The chest x-ray in the morning showed the whole left lung as a white, dense mass...this basically means that there is something other than air in there (whether it be an "imploded" or collapsed lung... as was the case with my oat lung or some sort of fluid). So after he was intubated, the attending stuck a scope down the tube and suctioned all the mucus was disgustingly awesome.
I also had the pleasure of witnessing a seizure today. It was a very 'soft' seizure if you can describe a seizure that way. Very interesting. They called it a "Pseudoseizure" meaning there were no abnormal brain waves on the EEG.
Fun times....